Length of my CEng application is 14 pages

Guys I am in the process of applying for my CEng but my total application length is 14 pages which is above the total length. Its hard for me to reduce my application as it stands. This length includes everything including my training and CPDs. Is this going to be a problem?

  • Two decades career history across three career blocks of different industries and I came to 10,000 words.

  • Two decades career history across three career blocks of different industries and I came to 10,000 words.

  • That is way too long! You don't need to record everything you did, just enough to show you meet the competences, you only need to meet each competence once.

    Look at it this way, you're trying to demonstrate to the assessors that you can give them the critical information they need clearly.

    Or another way, if someone tells you the same thing 10 times do you thank them, or do you say "you didn't need to repeat yourself, I understood you the first time?" It does get a bit like that reading some applications.

    Hope that helps,


  • Understood, appreciate your feedback.

  • No problem, it is the most common issue I see as a PRA. 

    The other thing I perhaps should have mentioned is that most of your evidence for meeting the competences should come from your current role, then for your early roles you're just showing how you got there. So the key for roles before your current role is "in this role I gained experience in / learned about..." You don't need to say much about what you actually did - just enough to make it credible that you did gain that learning / experience there.

