Fellowship Assessment timescales

Good afternoon, 

Do we know the current average times for assessments of fellowship applications? 

  • Hello Samer,

    The current average assessment process, for Fellowship, is 8 weeks.  This is dependent on our assessors' availability and also whether further evidence is requested.

    I hope this clarifies your query?  Please don't hesitate to contact me by private message in EngX if I can help any further.

    Lou Parfrey

    Fellowship & Registration & Standards Volunteer Manager

    Edited by moderator to remove email address. Private messaging is a better option on a public forum.

  • Hello Samer,

    The current average assessment process, for Fellowship, is 8 weeks.  This is dependent on our assessors' availability and also whether further evidence is requested.

    I hope this clarifies your query?  Please don't hesitate to contact me by private message in EngX if I can help any further.

    Lou Parfrey

    Fellowship & Registration & Standards Volunteer Manager

    Edited by moderator to remove email address. Private messaging is a better option on a public forum.
