Shortage of Solar Panel Technicians

I was reading an article in today's IET on-line magazine about the shortage of technicians to work on solar panels, heat pump etc and it struck me that all these jobs involve working on equipment that operates at relatively high DC or AC voltages.

Is this shortage of people willing to join these professions, due to fear of being zapped?

Most kids and teens are only used to operating with low voltage equipment (cellphones, PC's, circuit boards). 


  • Is this shortage of people willing to join these professions, due to fear of being zapped?

    My personal suspicion is that it's more due to the shortage of medium / large companies that can cope with taking on apprentices. Despite the various initiatives to promote apprenticeships in recent years it's hard to see how they can succeed without large enough employers who can devote sufficient resources to supervising / training them.

  • Sounds awful. I've done a huge amount of work on team building (comes with the territory of running engineering teams, plus it's a major interest of mine anyway) but my approach was/is much simpler, just making sure that everyone appreciated each others' strengths in the engineering team. To deliver engineering projects you need the people who manage the paperwork, and manage the budget, and build the prototypes and first production versions, and design the production test systems, and talk to the end user, just as much as you need the people with the brilliant ideas. As I once told two members of my staff who were almost coming to blows, you don't have to like each other, you don't have to go to the pub together, but if you can't respect each other's skills and communicate effectively at a technical level then that's a problem.

    Sometimes when working with EngTech/IEng/CEng applicants I do work with those - particularly with certain aspects of autistic spectrum behaviour - who do struggle to work in what might be thought of as a "team" environment. I point out to them that they don't even have to talk to other members of the team, but they must communicate with them effectively - for example by producing engineering documentation and taking in review comments on that documentation. I used to have a brilliant software engineer working for me who had issues talking to pretty much anyone in the department, and then moved to Australia anyway. It was fine, we'd send him a coding spec in the evening and next morning we'd get completed documented code. Perfectly good team playing.

    For some reason I was reminded recently of the quote from Tim from the (UK) "The Office", something like: "These aren't my friends, they're just people I share the same carpet with  Monday to Friday". That's fine, which I think a lot of "corporate team building" forgets. However, equally I was discussion with a colleague this morning that post-covid we have fewer and fewer in person meetings with clients or with each other, and we were agreeing that that is causing issues. I do find it's much easier for people to gain and maintain that mutual respect for each other's abilities if there has been some element of socialising - the intra-meeting coffee break. Or to put it another way, it's much easier to dismiss someone as an idiot (which they're probably not) if you're just viewing them as their role, not as a human being. So I am a believer in some level of team building - or "conversation" to use the technical term!!!!!

    I think we've strayed again, but maybe not - as above I think it's a strong aspect of professional registration to question whether "working as an island" is going to produce the best engineering. We all make mistakes, we all miss things, and we all have different competences.

    I could probably write a book length post on this subject (in fact to some extent my Master's thesis was just that, and that was only a specific part of what I've looked at over the years) so I think I'd probably better stop there.

    P.S. I moved into consultancy after 15 years' full time engineering management because I was just exhausted with trying to get (very, very competent) engineers to work together nicely. We were really effective at it, but my gawd it took its toll on us managing them. I did enjoy the last office reorganisation we did (by this time 95% ish of that team had been working with me for something like 12-13 of those years and knew me very well) - I just announced we were going to move office while I was on leave, so they'd all have to work out for themselves who was going to sit next to who  and who was going to sit next to the window / under the air conditioning etc etc - this time I was not going to arbitrate! The shock and horror on their faces was hilarious, of course it all worked out fine.

  • Hello Andy:

    How can you really be a member of a team if you don't respect many of them for their actions outside work ?

    Examples from my actual work experience - drug use, wife abuse, having "out of marriage" affairs and coming to work half drunk?

    I also have had some upper management commit Suicide due to work stress.

    Peter Brooks

    Palm Bay 

    P.S. I can't mention everything I have observed over my working life, as some of the individuals are still alive. 

  • However, these days the only way you get anywhere near a grammar school is by being top of the 11+ test because they are so oversubscribed. That means competing with many hundreds of other children who's parents have generally invested in private tutoring for the past one or two years (in some cases even more).

    Not true for every area ... in some areas, regional authorities decimated the former grammar schools, the only ones remaining being a very small number of Royal Grammar Schools, so that the majority of people in those regions have no free grammar school provision in their area, and the only option other than comprehensive style education, even for the brightest, is scholarship to a private school (which for many Scholars still has a sizeable price tag attached).

  • However, as a product of comprehensive education, whose children are also a successful product of a comprehensive education, I will say that when the  system is run well, with properly managed ability-related streaming, which permits GCSE exams taken early for the top sets, and at the same time with enough options and support for those nearer the shallow end who will only come away with a few lower level qualifications as well, it can be superb and does not suffer the ' stuck with a die cast age 11' problem. Indeed as one can get booted up or down a set at almost any term end, it keeps those at the bottom of the top flight on their toes as well as giving those whose ahem, sense of industry, is delivered a bit late a chance to catch up as well.

    Like any school it does need the right sort of staff, and enough of them, and that starts at the head and goes all the way through.

    I would  not so politely suggest it is incorrect to look down on us 'comps' collectively as being in some way inferior to those who have passed through what I could just as well call an anachronistic and elitist system. There are certainly some poor schools, and some of those are are comprehensive, maybe more, partly because most schools are, but schools running the comprehensive model certainly do not have to be bad.


    St Martins Comprehensive Hutton near Brentwood, Essex,

    BA and MA, Christchurch Oxford

    PhD, University of London

    Research Fellowship, University of York

    First "Proper job" almost aged nearly 30, and that was in the last century.


    In case you cannot detect this sort of bias based on education gets my goat, I probably saw too much of it at University.

    I will try to keep my further comments minimal and on topic.

  • Like any school it does need the right sort of staff, and enough of them, and that starts at the head and goes all the way through.

    Isn't that the truth, doesn't matter whether you pay or not.

    Sadly, and I know there are a lot of people working extremely hard to address this, but in some of the areas where the state grammar school system was decimated, what replaced it was not done so well.

    I would  not so politely suggest it is incorrect to look down on us 'comps' collectively as being in some way inferior to those who have passed through what I could just as well call an anachronistic and elitist system.

    No-one doing that, I only made an observation to a comment made. There's also a difference between state ('county') grammar and 'public (private) school'.

    At the end of the day, some people prefer one type of environment, others prefer others ... parents think they know what they want for their children, but they are not the children, and therefore the strange situation that no-one actually knows 100 % what will work for a child until it's all too late.

    As a young person, I would have been put off by a large [population] school of whatever type, and, being honest, would likely have absconded regularly. I still don't like huge crowds ... shopping malls are just my idea of hell on earth Scream ...

    In case you cannot detect this sort of bias based on education gets my goat, I probably saw too much of it at University.

    I guess that's just 'politics' in reality. We all have different experiences that form our opinions and positions on things.

    I don't (hopefully) have bias based on where someone attained their education, but I'm happy that my high school experience worked for me, and I wouldn't also like anyone to be biased against me for that. (For the record, private school from 11 to 18, but fees paid by a scholarship scheme.)

    I think we perhaps share the perspective that qualifications alone are not an answer for those in Engineering ... practical experience is king.

    I will try to keep my further comments minimal and on topic.

    Yes, I think it's wise not to poke the cage of the political animal, especially at the current time in the lead up to the Election. I'm seeing some disgusting things on social media platforms and am using those only sparingly at present !

  • Hello Andy:

    The one thing that stood out in your latest response was your statement that the software engineer (coder) in you team had issues talking to others in the team and that it was finally resolved by his relocation to Australia and remote working.

    Having worked with professional software engineers over many years I have reached the conclusion that they just don't listen!  Like you I was forced to create a coding spec (example definition of the input and output parameters including rejecting certain alphabetic letters with high error rates). 

    I would then error check (by a use test) the resulting code.

    Now due to security risks associated with certain applications (such as C++) I would request from the coder a full list of libraries that was incorporated into the new code. 

    I see that high priced coders ($250,000 a year) are being laid off from companies in Silicon valley.

    Doesn't look good for coders, as new AI software comes on line.

    Peter Brooks

    Palm Bay 


  • How can you really be a member of a team if you don't respect many of them for their actions outside work ?

    Fair question, and yet again in this thread would make a very interesting professional registration question (and that wasn't even me trying to drag it onto topic).

    Let's turn that around. Back to my point that it is not possible today to do serious innovative engineering by yourself. Richard Trevithick could design and build a steam engine in his shed more-or-less by himself, but today's technology is too complicated for that. (On another thread there was a discussion about high-end sound equipment, an industry I used to work in which has always had a high number of "one person" design teams. Who could produce some truly awful designs without someone else to say "ok that bit's brilliant, but this bit...not so much".) So we have to work in teams, sometimes of a handful of people, sometimes in the hundreds.

    What are the chances that we will have the same values, ethics, whatever as all members of that team? Basically zero, unless we are so uniform that we've lost the benefit of diversity. There's an old story (possibly with a germ of truth in it) about Microsoft, that Bill Gates surrounded himself with people like himself, who in turn did the same...which was why there was a company that produced loads of new designs that went out to market untested, because none of them were interested in testing. Other companies have folded before even getting started because they tested their new designs to death so never actually shipped anything. Simple example, but just one of the need for very different approaches and attitudes.

    Graham and Mark have just neatly made an example in the last few posts, there's a very good reason we work to avoid discussing politics on these forums, which can be very challenging given the "political" context of a lot of engineering. The way we all work together is by talking about engineering. We may decide that we will be friends with colleagues in our private life because our values do coincide, but if they don't then the question is just - are they competent in the engineering I am working with them on.

    I used to be deputy director of a 120 person business. We had all sorts working there. Perhaps the most interesting perspective was being involved in disciplinary work. If someone's home life brought the company into disrepute (or similar) we could sack them for it. If it didn't then it was legally none of our business (and we had some tricky cases to decide on that). If you can't sack them then you have to work together assuming they are competent to do what you are actually paying them to do. Fortunately that's the extreme end which doesn't happen that often. The more common was highlit in 2015-2016 with Brexit (and I'd guess the same thing in the US with the first Trump nomination). We had to be very clear that the antipathy that rose up between colleagues outside the workplace could not be allowed to enter the workplace. 

    I loathe the idea of homogenous corporate teams, partly instinctively and partly because as above I think it increases the risk of producing bad engineering. (One of the few things I disagreed with my old director about was that he wanted everyone to wear corporate branded clothing. I simply didn't wear it.) For me team work is simply communicating professionally - working together to produce the best result using each of our skills. And if someone has a skill that I don't have, I don't have to like them in order to do that. 

    Deciding that we're only going to respect perfect people (i.e. people exactly like ourselves Wink) is a slippery slope, as many have found throughout human existence...whereas, as the old advice goes, treat everyone with respect as human beings and they'll treat you the same way back, even if you disagree.

    Like I say, it would make a really interesting professional registration interview question...

  • I am not a team player!

    One can not be a team player if one is a "keeper of secrets".

    I have been in meeting locations where an armed individual follows you, when you visit the bathroom.

    Incidentally on this point, I was asked to act as a professional registration adviser for staff at a well known UK government facility that employs a lot of software engineers (and yes is very thoroughly and rigorously defended). We had no problem at all demonstrating their team working skills - and I know of several other PRAs who've done the same thing and would say the same thing. Despite the fact that I have no idea what their real names were or, of course, any idea what they were working on. What I was interested in was: do you get your engineering checked by someone else and do you take in their feedback and react appropriately to it? When you produce an output, do you explain it to the staff who need to implement it, and again take feedback? And at the start of the project, do you engage with the person / team supplying you with the requirements to ensure that you understand it? If you do then you're an adequate team player. Which of course they all were, you wouldn't be allowed to stay working in that world if you weren't. 

    And it got even more interesting than that, as in general they couldn't even discuss their work with people in the same "branch of the civil service" except for very specific people. But that was ok too - all they needed to show was that they engaged professionally with the people they were able to engage with - which I got the impression might be very few people for some of them on some projects, but still a "team".

    Lovely bunch, of course sadly due to the confidentiality I have no idea if they ever got their CEngs / IEngs, I'm sure that provided they did apply then they would have done. I had a really interesting conversation with a very senior person there where we agreed how to write a professional registration application without giving any hint about what the "civil servant" was working on, let alone what department they were a part of. 

  • Hello Andy:

    Confusing access to a companies computers and application software as being a team member is incorrect. 

    I used to spend more time with the companies lawyer (for example) prior to making a public presentation than the person I reported to on the organization chart. The company was very concerned about giving away sensitive information..

    Bill Gates got started because of IBM and he typified the Silicon Valley counterculture of that period. I used to work in Silicon Valley by the way.

    At one time I attempted to join the IET committee involved in Disciplinary work but couldn't reach an agreement with the IET lawyer over the IET ethics rules in place, at that time.

    To end with another one of my real life stories:- The Top manager of the company I worked for, issued an edict that staff were not allowed to drink booze at lunch. Someone called an "out of office" meeting just after lunch at a local boat club. Guess who was propping up the bar, half cut?

    Peter Brooks

    Palm Bay 

  • Confusing access to a companies computers and application software as being a team member is incorrect

    Yes that would be true if somebody did that.

    Peter, I suggest we limit discussions on this thread to matters relating to the original topic so that it is relevant to the potential readership. Just for once even I can't find any points in your latest post to respond to in a way that relates to professional registration, other than repeating the points I have already made above.

    You know that point in a meeting where the chair discreetly says "I think it's time to move on from that discussion...", I think we may have reached the point (or indeed be somewhat beyond it) where if Lisa was here she might be saying that...

    But of course you may want to start a new discussion thread (or more than one) as you clearly have significant concerns which you may wish to discuss more generally with the forum members without being limited by the subject matter of an existing thread.

    I don't plan to post further on this thread other than to discuss professional registration, and only then if I'm not just repeating my earlier posts.

  • Confusing access to a companies computers and application software as being a team member is incorrect

    Yes that would be true if somebody did that.

    Peter, I suggest we limit discussions on this thread to matters relating to the original topic so that it is relevant to the potential readership. Just for once even I can't find any points in your latest post to respond to in a way that relates to professional registration, other than repeating the points I have already made above.

    You know that point in a meeting where the chair discreetly says "I think it's time to move on from that discussion...", I think we may have reached the point (or indeed be somewhat beyond it) where if Lisa was here she might be saying that...

    But of course you may want to start a new discussion thread (or more than one) as you clearly have significant concerns which you may wish to discuss more generally with the forum members without being limited by the subject matter of an existing thread.

    I don't plan to post further on this thread other than to discuss professional registration, and only then if I'm not just repeating my earlier posts.

  • Hello Andy:

    This thread is effectively dead anyway.

    It will appear again like a Phoenix raising from the ashes, when the IET pushes the topic again in a few years.

    Peter Brooks

    Palm Bay