Humble request to expedite my PRI for CEng; - i am at 35th week now.

Hi Team IET,

Firstly,  i appreciate all the efforts you are doing as a reputed Organization serving Engineering and Technology sector across the globe. 

I am here to share a major concern which i am facing related to my CEng journey with IET. Here i go:

I submitted my CEng application at Week-1 of year 2024.

At Week-23 2024, i received confirmation that my application has been approved from PRI. 

After sending couple of followup emails  to Professional Registration Team, today (at Week-35)  i have received  an reply email  with out any firm schedule of my PRI. 

I am extremely concerned now that IET is not able to provide a firm schedule of my PRI even at Week-35 despite mentioning 22 weeks time as an average time for CEng Application. 

At the end, My humble request to IET team is to please respond to my request of PRI with a firm schedule.

Thanks and Best Regards

Waqqar Shaikh 

  • Hi Waqqar, I know the Professional Registration team are really busy at the moment but generally an email to should get you some answers. 

  • Hi Waqqar Shaikh, I am in a similar situation and wondering if you received any response from IET?

  • Hi Vijay,

    yes , i am happy to share that my PRI is finally scheduled.

    just keep following up IET team. 

  • Thank you Waqqar! Good luck for your PRI.  Have been emailing the team and waiting for a response.

  • I wonder why IET project 20weeks on that case of it doesn't materialize ,

    I believe this delay beyond 20 weeks brings in great inconvenience .

    I projected change in my career by end of the year since I applied for IEng on the 21st September 2024 looking into 20 weeks,...I'm hoping and praying for  the best within these 20weeks

  • Hello Lucky, generally an email to should get you some answers. 

  • Hi IET Team, 

    I recently reached out to the Profreg team to clarify the exact dates of my PRI. However, I received a generic email and some documentation which are available on the website, which I really appreciate as a helpful resource.

    However, I am specifically hoping to receive a response tailored to my query about the exact date of my PRI. I understand that each application is unique, taking into account an individual’s skills and experience, so I thought it might require a more personalised update.

    If there’s any direct information available on the timing of my PRI, I would be incredibly grateful to receive it as soon as possible.

    Thank you so much to all the volunteers and staff at IET for your dedication to supporting us in reaching our professional goals

    Kind regards. 

  • I have a similar situation. I did email to, and a few times, but I am still looking forward to a reply.

  • Hi williamli, it's the Christmas holidays in the UK at the moment so there's a reduced service running, but I'm sure  will be able to help once she's back in the office.

  • I am currently waiting for my application for Chartered Engineer (CEng) status to be confirmed. I have reached week 20 and have been emailing the team every two weeks to understand the hold-up. I am concerned about the prolonged time it has taken just to get my application approved or not. If it's taking this long now, how much longer will it take for me to update and resubmit my application if required? Another 20 weeks? As someone who is chartered with other professional bodies, I have never experienced such a lengthy process. 

    Are interviews a requirement for this application? I believe there is room for improvement in this process, similar to the innovation we are encouraged to implement in our jobs.  please help all of us who have made such comments. I have emailed the profreg with suggestions. However, no one wants to listen, just a standard response. I would really like the Org to fix this as you are great at all other things, but this process is not fit for purpose in all respects.