Professional Review Interview - Drawing a blank during the interview

Recently completed my Professional Review Interview for Chartership, I couldn't fault the process or the individuals involved - the support I received was amazing.

I do have a worry bead however, during my interview I drew a complete blank re. one question in particular (quality related). In essence, what the interviewer was attempting to tease out of me was confirmation that I applied some form of quality management i.e., IS09001 - I was kicking myself. I'm chalking up my interview performance to a culmination of nerves, lack of sleep and a fostering process which has sapped my energy and sharpness. Appreciate that's a me problem and not an IET issue.

Is it common for an interviewee to draw a blank or not give an answer which doesn't align with the Competence in which it is being mapped against?

  • Oh gosh yes, probably most do on at least one question - the interviewers are VERY used to this! And will be able to work around it provided you have some evidence in your application and in other answers.

    I can still remember the (very good) question I drew a blank on in my interview in 1998! (spoiler alert: I still got my CEng.) It's difficult for an interviewer in any context when you're pretty sure the candidate knows the answer but you have to be careful not to feed them the answer in the question.

    Hang in there,


  • Thanks Andy, that gives me some reassurance.

    I had put effort into my preparation but hard to account for the situation where the brain doesn't go into gear.

    I'm hanging in there (if only just).


  • And there's nothing you can do now other than wait anyway! So best not to dwell on it. I will say that in my experience (as a PRA) the interviewees who think they've messed up somewhere tend on average to be those who get through fine - it makes sense as these are the applicants who would also worry about getting things wrong in the day job, which is exactly the behaviour and attitude the interviewers want to see.

  • All went well in the end Andy. Your words of encouragement certainly went some length to put my mind at rest. Thanks again.

  • Congratulations Allan! Really pleased for you.

    Next step is to volunteer as a PRA so you can support others in the same position! Grinning

  • Allan, 


    Nerves and worry are what makes us human.

    To myself its the applicants and candadates that show no signs whatsoever of nerves that sometimes have underpinning failings.

    Take your interview as another of lifes experiences and take positives from that and learn from any apprehensions.

    Cheers GTB