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Introduce yourself

New to the Healthcare Technologies online network? What made you join? How are you involved in the area of Healthcare Technologies? Introduce yourself here!
  • Hey all,


    A little late in joining the online community though I have attended (and enjoyed!) a few Healthcare Technologies events over the last year.


    I graduated relatively recently (2016) from an MEng in Biomedical Engineering, am now on the NHS Scientist Training Programme specialising in Clinical Computing and Informatics. Being an early-career engineer in the healthcare space, my intention in joining the group is to keep up to date with the latest innovations, and connect with like-minded people who are working to improve patient outcomes through technology.


    Looking forward to meet people at future events, and keen to provide assistance with organising/running events if needed.

    Best wishes,

    Haroon Chughtai


  • Hey all,


    A little late in joining the online community though I have attended (and enjoyed!) a few Healthcare Technologies events over the last year.


    I graduated relatively recently (2016) from an MEng in Biomedical Engineering, am now on the NHS Scientist Training Programme specialising in Clinical Computing and Informatics. Being an early-career engineer in the healthcare space, my intention in joining the group is to keep up to date with the latest innovations, and connect with like-minded people who are working to improve patient outcomes through technology.


    Looking forward to meet people at future events, and keen to provide assistance with organising/running events if needed.

    Best wishes,

    Haroon Chughtai


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