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Introduce yourself

New to the Healthcare Technologies online network? What made you join? How are you involved in the area of Healthcare Technologies? Introduce yourself here!
  • Dear Robert,

    ​It's good to read of your interest in the Healthcare Technologies Network. Welcome. Through the network, you can enjoy conferences, lectures including the Annual Healthcare Lecture, student paper award presentations, etc. My original experience was in the aircraft industry but my current interest is appropriate healthcare technologies for low resource settings.

    Best wishes,

    ​Len Cornish
  • Dear Robert,

    ​It's good to read of your interest in the Healthcare Technologies Network. Welcome. Through the network, you can enjoy conferences, lectures including the Annual Healthcare Lecture, student paper award presentations, etc. My original experience was in the aircraft industry but my current interest is appropriate healthcare technologies for low resource settings.

    Best wishes,

    ​Len Cornish
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