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What one piece of advice do you wish you had known at the start of your career?

Reposted from IET Professional Development

I'm currently working on a blog around starting out in careers in engineering - it got me thinking about the lessons learned from others (perhaps because I spend a lot of my time working with our volunteer mentors).

What one piece of advice do you wish you had known at the start of your career that you know now?

Or, if you're starting out in your career right now, what is the one thing you want to learn more about (and hopefully have planned as part of your CPD)?

Please share your experiences or advice below:

Kathryn Bain, IPD and Mentoring Service Manager, The Institution of Engineering & Technology, (IET Staff)

  • Thanks to everyone that has responded to this post so far, I hope that we may get a couple more contributions and then I will be writing these up into a blog post (assuming nobody minds be using their responses).

    Reflecting on this post, I think my one piece of advice would be around the value of apprenticeships and work experience when I was starting out in my career.  I was guided down the more academic route toward University, but think I would have preferred a more practical education.
  • Thanks to everyone that has responded to this post so far, I hope that we may get a couple more contributions and then I will be writing these up into a blog post (assuming nobody minds be using their responses).

    Reflecting on this post, I think my one piece of advice would be around the value of apprenticeships and work experience when I was starting out in my career.  I was guided down the more academic route toward University, but think I would have preferred a more practical education.
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