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Could Sheffield power an engineering revolution?

Following new investments in Sheffield from McLaren and Boeing, PM Teresa May has suggested that Sheffield could become a focal point of an engineering revolution.

Let me know what you think? How do you think the investment in Sheffield will impact engineering in the region
  • Hi Natalia,

    In response to your post, the investment by Mclaren & Boeing is a great achievement for the region. The decline of major industries over my lifetime in engineering created quite a vacuum in  the SY area so its hoped that other industries looking at inward investment in regions of the UK, look at this and feel it maybe the place they also might consider.

    The demise of the steel & coal industries created a huge decline in support businesses that thrived off the back of these past giants.

    The UoS AMP catapult started to turn the corner for engineering & manufacturing with high profile companies such as Rolls Royce, Boeing & Nuclear creating high quality manufacturing as well as professional engineering skills needed for their respective operations.

    If the 'Northern Powerhouse' initiative is to really stand a chance in our region, we need this sort of investmant and confidence to flourish in due course.

    Alan.Chater CEng FIET
  • Hi Natalia,

    In response to your post, the investment by Mclaren & Boeing is a great achievement for the region. The decline of major industries over my lifetime in engineering created quite a vacuum in  the SY area so its hoped that other industries looking at inward investment in regions of the UK, look at this and feel it maybe the place they also might consider.

    The demise of the steel & coal industries created a huge decline in support businesses that thrived off the back of these past giants.

    The UoS AMP catapult started to turn the corner for engineering & manufacturing with high profile companies such as Rolls Royce, Boeing & Nuclear creating high quality manufacturing as well as professional engineering skills needed for their respective operations.

    If the 'Northern Powerhouse' initiative is to really stand a chance in our region, we need this sort of investmant and confidence to flourish in due course.

    Alan.Chater CEng FIET
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