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Maker Movement / Mending Things

Having finally received my E&T and read the section on repairing consumer items I wondered how many people here  actually mend/make things?

To start thing off I have attached a couple of pictures of recent repairs I have made. Did it make sense to make these repairs? I think so.



Best regards

  • Wonderful idea - a sort of cross between the programme as it is now and James May's "The Reassembler". I do suspect that some of the steps are not shown as the craftspeople want to keep their "trade secrets" - but I'm sure it's mostly what the producers think viewer's concentration spans will stand!

    Neither my wife nor I can bear to see nice things being thrown away which might be able to be brought back to life - this is why we have about 10 sheds between us smiley 

    I think the skill sets shown in this programme that I'd really like to have are restoring woodwork (particulalry recreating the original finish) and reparing clocks. I still feel guilty about dismantling my brother's Meccano clockwork motor when I was about 10 which exploded into many lost pieces as the spring went boing...
  • Wonderful idea - a sort of cross between the programme as it is now and James May's "The Reassembler". I do suspect that some of the steps are not shown as the craftspeople want to keep their "trade secrets" - but I'm sure it's mostly what the producers think viewer's concentration spans will stand!

    Neither my wife nor I can bear to see nice things being thrown away which might be able to be brought back to life - this is why we have about 10 sheds between us smiley 

    I think the skill sets shown in this programme that I'd really like to have are restoring woodwork (particulalry recreating the original finish) and reparing clocks. I still feel guilty about dismantling my brother's Meccano clockwork motor when I was about 10 which exploded into many lost pieces as the spring went boing...
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