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Maker Movement / Mending Things

Having finally received my E&T and read the section on repairing consumer items I wondered how many people here  actually mend/make things?

To start thing off I have attached a couple of pictures of recent repairs I have made. Did it make sense to make these repairs? I think so.



Best regards

  • Hi Andy,

    Absolutely great reply and I entirely agree with everything you are saying. I love all the old ways of manufacturing and the equipment used, I have been harping on for long enough now about the lack of usage of our waterways etc, I am sure that by using this we could power all the street lights in the country all year and could even store the electricity close to the source as well. I know that we need new Technology don’t get me wrong, but it seems that unfortunately we have now got a situation where if it isn’t easy people do not want to do it and would rather earn a living pressing buttons. Let’s get back to the glass milk bottles and seeing the tops rise an inch in winter I say! I still have some of my father’s personalised knives made in Sheffield, much better than any you can buy today.



    Dave RoylesTMIET
  • Hi Andy,

    Absolutely great reply and I entirely agree with everything you are saying. I love all the old ways of manufacturing and the equipment used, I have been harping on for long enough now about the lack of usage of our waterways etc, I am sure that by using this we could power all the street lights in the country all year and could even store the electricity close to the source as well. I know that we need new Technology don’t get me wrong, but it seems that unfortunately we have now got a situation where if it isn’t easy people do not want to do it and would rather earn a living pressing buttons. Let’s get back to the glass milk bottles and seeing the tops rise an inch in winter I say! I still have some of my father’s personalised knives made in Sheffield, much better than any you can buy today.



    Dave RoylesTMIET
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