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Maker Movement / Mending Things

Having finally received my E&T and read the section on repairing consumer items I wondered how many people here  actually mend/make things?

To start thing off I have attached a couple of pictures of recent repairs I have made. Did it make sense to make these repairs? I think so.



Best regards

  • Yesterday I thought I'd better start my serious clear out of my workshop and various sheds (this is going to take months). One of the first things I threw out was an old washing machine motor that had been there for years. But I thought I'd keep the capacitor "just in case".

    Tonight, the motor capacitor in our tumble dryer blew. And yes, it was 8uF

    Sometimes life just works right smiley (If that capacitor had blown two days ago I probably wouldn't have even remembered that I had one!)

  • Yesterday I thought I'd better start my serious clear out of my workshop and various sheds (this is going to take months). One of the first things I threw out was an old washing machine motor that had been there for years. But I thought I'd keep the capacitor "just in case".

    Tonight, the motor capacitor in our tumble dryer blew. And yes, it was 8uF

    Sometimes life just works right smiley (If that capacitor had blown two days ago I probably wouldn't have even remembered that I had one!)

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