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Maker Movement / Mending Things

Having finally received my E&T and read the section on repairing consumer items I wondered how many people here  actually mend/make things?

To start thing off I have attached a couple of pictures of recent repairs I have made. Did it make sense to make these repairs? I think so.



Best regards

  • Having recently moved apartments it was time to get the music systems back in operation. My 40 year old Dual CS505 was deemed visually unacceptable for the living room so I had to buy a new gramophone (a what Grandad?) opting for a Denon DP-300F (which does have a black perspex cover ?).

    I intended to keep my only 20 year old Sony double cassette deck but on trying it neither side would load properly Frowning2 . Off to the workshop with it. After the removal of many screws and connectors I found that the drive belts were past their best.


    An internet search found a replacement set for CHF12. The old and the new.


    There were plastic pegs to hold the belts in place during assembly.


    Then it was easy to put the belts back on their respective pulleys.


    I put it all back together again (having taken pictures of where all the connectors went) and tried it. All worked just as it should ? One less item in the WEEE stream.

    Best regards


  • Having recently moved apartments it was time to get the music systems back in operation. My 40 year old Dual CS505 was deemed visually unacceptable for the living room so I had to buy a new gramophone (a what Grandad?) opting for a Denon DP-300F (which does have a black perspex cover ?).

    I intended to keep my only 20 year old Sony double cassette deck but on trying it neither side would load properly Frowning2 . Off to the workshop with it. After the removal of many screws and connectors I found that the drive belts were past their best.


    An internet search found a replacement set for CHF12. The old and the new.


    There were plastic pegs to hold the belts in place during assembly.


    Then it was easy to put the belts back on their respective pulleys.


    I put it all back together again (having taken pictures of where all the connectors went) and tried it. All worked just as it should ? One less item in the WEEE stream.

    Best regards


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