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Maker Movement / Mending Things

Having finally received my E&T and read the section on repairing consumer items I wondered how many people here  actually mend/make things?

To start thing off I have attached a couple of pictures of recent repairs I have made. Did it make sense to make these repairs? I think so.



Best regards

  • It's less of a problem for me for Desktops and laptops as I can generally fix them and keep them going almost indefinitely. My laptop is a Toshiba satellite which originally had Windows 7, but had been upgraded to Win10 when I bought it a couple of years ago for £200, The battery still holds a full charge and is good for several hours use. I also have an HP Pavilion 10X2 detachable, which is a mix of 2 we had, after onedied with a puffy battery which distorted the case and cracked the screen. (these are basically touch screen tablets with a magnetically attached hinged keyboard).

    The Toshiba now runs Mint 19.3 XFCE, the HP now runs Open SUSE Tumbleweed, also XFCE. and my self built desktop is multi booting Mint 19.3, Xubuntu 18.04 and Win 10 Pro. I have two older desktops built in 2009/10, one of which has Ubuntu 20.04 ,which I've resurrected for my son and the other is earmarked to run Owncloud as my own cloud server. Both my printers are 2nd hand HP devices. and my portable CD/Radio/MP3 is second hand, costing a whole £11 from a private EBay seller. I also have a 2nd hand Sony ar stereo waiting to be fitted on my 2001 Honda Civic.
  • It's less of a problem for me for Desktops and laptops as I can generally fix them and keep them going almost indefinitely. My laptop is a Toshiba satellite which originally had Windows 7, but had been upgraded to Win10 when I bought it a couple of years ago for £200, The battery still holds a full charge and is good for several hours use. I also have an HP Pavilion 10X2 detachable, which is a mix of 2 we had, after onedied with a puffy battery which distorted the case and cracked the screen. (these are basically touch screen tablets with a magnetically attached hinged keyboard).

    The Toshiba now runs Mint 19.3 XFCE, the HP now runs Open SUSE Tumbleweed, also XFCE. and my self built desktop is multi booting Mint 19.3, Xubuntu 18.04 and Win 10 Pro. I have two older desktops built in 2009/10, one of which has Ubuntu 20.04 ,which I've resurrected for my son and the other is earmarked to run Owncloud as my own cloud server. Both my printers are 2nd hand HP devices. and my portable CD/Radio/MP3 is second hand, costing a whole £11 from a private EBay seller. I also have a 2nd hand Sony ar stereo waiting to be fitted on my 2001 Honda Civic.
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