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Maker Movement / Mending Things

Having finally received my E&T and read the section on repairing consumer items I wondered how many people here  actually mend/make things?

To start thing off I have attached a couple of pictures of recent repairs I have made. Did it make sense to make these repairs? I think so.



Best regards

  • Lynne Collis:

    Even cars are becoming more difficult to repair, apart from inserting new "black boxes". I could strip a Layland engine down to its con rods, but recently, our garage had to close its repair shop for two weeks while it waited for a new diagnostic computer.

    If a headlight fails now, I can't just replace the bulb, it's a complete sealed unit that's required. I'm sure that's more profitable for Peugeot-Citroen, but it creates a lot of waste.


    I used to tinker a bit with my early cars - change oil, change filters, change clutch cables even. One car had continuing problems with the carburettor. I lost count of how many times I had it to bits. One day in the early seventies I had the unpleasant experience, whilst driving through central London, of the engine cutting out and refusing to tick-over, though it would run as long as the accelerator was depressed. I managed to find a place to park somewhere I shouldn't and carried out roadside repairs. I dismantled the carburettor and blew the idler jet clear. Reassembled and all OK again.


    No way! As Lynne says, it's all "black boxes" nowadays. Fuel management systems and such like. They are very clever, I agree. Does anyone remember choke controls, cold engine problems, "flat spots"? Consigned to the dim past. It is even possible to climb a 1 in 12 gradient just on the tickover (yes, I tried it once). Failures are rare but if they do go wrong it can be very wrong. I would call the RAC and leave it to the experts with the tools and the know-how.

  • Lynne Collis:

    Even cars are becoming more difficult to repair, apart from inserting new "black boxes". I could strip a Layland engine down to its con rods, but recently, our garage had to close its repair shop for two weeks while it waited for a new diagnostic computer.

    If a headlight fails now, I can't just replace the bulb, it's a complete sealed unit that's required. I'm sure that's more profitable for Peugeot-Citroen, but it creates a lot of waste.


    I used to tinker a bit with my early cars - change oil, change filters, change clutch cables even. One car had continuing problems with the carburettor. I lost count of how many times I had it to bits. One day in the early seventies I had the unpleasant experience, whilst driving through central London, of the engine cutting out and refusing to tick-over, though it would run as long as the accelerator was depressed. I managed to find a place to park somewhere I shouldn't and carried out roadside repairs. I dismantled the carburettor and blew the idler jet clear. Reassembled and all OK again.


    No way! As Lynne says, it's all "black boxes" nowadays. Fuel management systems and such like. They are very clever, I agree. Does anyone remember choke controls, cold engine problems, "flat spots"? Consigned to the dim past. It is even possible to climb a 1 in 12 gradient just on the tickover (yes, I tried it once). Failures are rare but if they do go wrong it can be very wrong. I would call the RAC and leave it to the experts with the tools and the know-how.

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