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Maker Movement / Mending Things

Having finally received my E&T and read the section on repairing consumer items I wondered how many people here  actually mend/make things?

To start thing off I have attached a couple of pictures of recent repairs I have made. Did it make sense to make these repairs? I think so.



Best regards

  • Deborah-Claire McKenzie:

    For those occasions when you just can't repair things yourself, here's an excellent spares website that I'd recommend as its kept quite a few of our household appliances and other items going for several years


    This is a good web site and I have used it myself on occasions. The trouble is that spares become less available over time and even sites like this cannot help. I have a Philips Philishave shaver, approaching 60 years old. The shaver still works and does not do a bad job of shaving. The problem is the mains lead - the conductors have fractured inside the insulation so power to the shaver is a bit intermittent and one needs to manipulate the lead carefully. The connector bit that plugs into the shaver is of a type one does not see any more. Philips has standardised on the type of connector that is widely used for small appliances like this. I am unable to get hold of this old type anywhere.

  • Deborah-Claire McKenzie:

    For those occasions when you just can't repair things yourself, here's an excellent spares website that I'd recommend as its kept quite a few of our household appliances and other items going for several years


    This is a good web site and I have used it myself on occasions. The trouble is that spares become less available over time and even sites like this cannot help. I have a Philips Philishave shaver, approaching 60 years old. The shaver still works and does not do a bad job of shaving. The problem is the mains lead - the conductors have fractured inside the insulation so power to the shaver is a bit intermittent and one needs to manipulate the lead carefully. The connector bit that plugs into the shaver is of a type one does not see any more. Philips has standardised on the type of connector that is widely used for small appliances like this. I am unable to get hold of this old type anywhere.

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