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Engineers who did not enjoy school - are they rare?

This might come across as a very strange question but is it uncommon to find engineers who did not enjoy school or think highly of the schools that they attended? I have encountered numerous computing and IT types over the years who did not enjoy school or had bad experiences at school but very few electrical or mechanical engineers.
  • Hi Andy,

    Not sure I agree with the statement that 'Science itself exists without a social construct.' I would not consider the examples you mention as being science; the studying and the knowledge of them are what I would consider science. Both those require people and therefore cannot be independent of a social construct. The falling of Newton's apple only became science because of the observation and the experiments that followed.


  • Hi Andy,

    Not sure I agree with the statement that 'Science itself exists without a social construct.' I would not consider the examples you mention as being science; the studying and the knowledge of them are what I would consider science. Both those require people and therefore cannot be independent of a social construct. The falling of Newton's apple only became science because of the observation and the experiments that followed.


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