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Creative Christmas presents for the budding Engineer.

Former Community Member
Former Community Member
Hello All,

I remember one childhood Christmas, I receive a 'X in one' electronics project kit. Think it was from Tandy. 

​It was the 'perfect' gift from my parents, so many things to do and once you had built a circuit, you could read what the components did in that circuit and how they worked. For my parents, it was days of peace and quite whilst I was joining different colour wires between different points on the board. Sure I even tried to invent my own circuits.


​Will be getting one of these this year for our boy to see if it will bring out his creative side and to learn new things. The aspect I like the most from this is that he will be physically creating things and seeing something happen as a result of his work. Failing that, I have 'X in One' electronics project board again.

Anyone else trying to create a budding engineer?




  • Lisa Miles:

    I used to get into a LOT of trouble when I was younger for taking my brother's Christmas presents apart to see how they worked.... blush


    Brilliant! My dad took it remarkably well when I took the cassette recorder apart that he'd been given as a leaving present (I did get it back together but it was never quite the same). I did buy him a very nice one as compensation with my first pay packet. He also took it remarkably calmly when I plugged his multimeter into the mains socket, whilst switched to the ohms setting, to see what would happen blush Again I did give him a new one a few years later!

    Is 3 too young for Duplo? smiley


  • Lisa Miles:

    I used to get into a LOT of trouble when I was younger for taking my brother's Christmas presents apart to see how they worked.... blush


    Brilliant! My dad took it remarkably well when I took the cassette recorder apart that he'd been given as a leaving present (I did get it back together but it was never quite the same). I did buy him a very nice one as compensation with my first pay packet. He also took it remarkably calmly when I plugged his multimeter into the mains socket, whilst switched to the ohms setting, to see what would happen blush Again I did give him a new one a few years later!

    Is 3 too young for Duplo? smiley

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