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Ten most dangerous airports - or should that be the most challenging airports?

I came across the above video on YouTube. I remember watching a television programme a few years ago about the ten most dangerous airports in the world, but there seems to be some new ones in this video. 

Have you ever flown in or out of any of those shown in this video and if so does the video match your experiences?
  • Nektarios - thanks for your comments below.  I'm aware that the airport in Nepal has suffered a number of accidents in recent years which from memory was owing to the weather conditions.  I've had a look on the internet and couldn't specifically find any statistics for aircraft accidents related to landings/take-offs from airports.  It would be interesting to know if there are any and compare them with the airports listed in this video.
  • Nektarios - thanks for your comments below.  I'm aware that the airport in Nepal has suffered a number of accidents in recent years which from memory was owing to the weather conditions.  I've had a look on the internet and couldn't specifically find any statistics for aircraft accidents related to landings/take-offs from airports.  It would be interesting to know if there are any and compare them with the airports listed in this video.
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