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How many GCSEs?

At a meeting of parents it was mentioned that back when they were at secondary school it was common to take only 8 or 9 subjects for GCSE whereas in more recent years students often take 12 or 13 GCSEs.

How many GCSEs do you think is sufficient and appropriate for a career in engineering and how many is overkill?

  • Yovindra Pothiah:


    Magnificent 7. If that's the optimum number then should the engineering community start lobbying for students to take this number of GCSE subjects rather than be hammered with 12 or 13 subjects? Emphasise quality and relevance over quantity.



  • Yovindra Pothiah:


    Magnificent 7. If that's the optimum number then should the engineering community start lobbying for students to take this number of GCSE subjects rather than be hammered with 12 or 13 subjects? Emphasise quality and relevance over quantity.


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