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How many GCSEs?

At a meeting of parents it was mentioned that back when they were at secondary school it was common to take only 8 or 9 subjects for GCSE whereas in more recent years students often take 12 or 13 GCSEs.

How many GCSEs do you think is sufficient and appropriate for a career in engineering and how many is overkill?

  • Andy Millar:

    Mark, I do agree with you about the "arms race", which starts at birth with Apgar scores! (I still remember how staggered my wife and I were by the other (usually) mum's competing for the "best" Apgar score. To be "average" was to have "failed".


    Agree with you on that one. One of the best responses I have heard was "When was the last time you were asked in a job interview 'At what age did you start to walk?'"




  • Andy Millar:

    Mark, I do agree with you about the "arms race", which starts at birth with Apgar scores! (I still remember how staggered my wife and I were by the other (usually) mum's competing for the "best" Apgar score. To be "average" was to have "failed".


    Agree with you on that one. One of the best responses I have heard was "When was the last time you were asked in a job interview 'At what age did you start to walk?'"



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