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Should the IET seek its members to pledge not to help build killer robots?

I read an interesting article in the online E&T (above) that reports of a pledge to not assist in the development of so-called Killer Robots. Should the IET take a stance, be the first PEI to endorse the pledge and furthermore expect/encourage its members to sign up too?
  • Mark,

    I would say yes and no, or rather in the order you put the questions, 'no' and 'yes'.

    I think encouraging members to sign up is a good thing, but how can the IET take a stance and endorse the pledge while it is encouraging members of the armed services to become members?

  • Mark,

    I would say yes and no, or rather in the order you put the questions, 'no' and 'yes'.

    I think encouraging members to sign up is a good thing, but how can the IET take a stance and endorse the pledge while it is encouraging members of the armed services to become members?

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