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Should the IET seek its members to pledge not to help build killer robots?

I read an interesting article in the online E&T (above) that reports of a pledge to not assist in the development of so-called Killer Robots. Should the IET take a stance, be the first PEI to endorse the pledge and furthermore expect/encourage its members to sign up too?
  • Mark,

    Yes, but how can a member of the armed services using such weapons be a member of a PEI that has taken a public stance against them? You can't take a stance and say members are not to help develop them but say you are quite happy for members to use them when others have developed them. However encouraging members to sign and leaving it to their own consciences would be a good approach. After all, we have to start somewhere.

    This is a bit of an ethical minefield. I will leave it at the above as I can't see a simple solution.

  • Mark,

    Yes, but how can a member of the armed services using such weapons be a member of a PEI that has taken a public stance against them? You can't take a stance and say members are not to help develop them but say you are quite happy for members to use them when others have developed them. However encouraging members to sign and leaving it to their own consciences would be a good approach. After all, we have to start somewhere.

    This is a bit of an ethical minefield. I will leave it at the above as I can't see a simple solution.

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