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European recognition of Chartered Engineer Status

According to a bulletin issed by the European Commission (January 22 2018- Notice to Stakeholders)

'Authorized representatives or responsible people in the United Kingdom will not, as from the withdrawal date, be recognised as authorised representatives or responsible persons.....' . 

My question is as Chartered Engineers are essentially classed a 'Responsible People' will the withdrawal from EU rules mean that CEng will have to seek registration  as Eur Ing to work in or be recognized for work associated with Europe or Internationally.

  • To reply to Alan, my point about the EC being the UK member of FEANI is that this means that the IET can only get their information second hand through the EC.  FEANI are not an EU organisation, being founded in 1951, six years before the Treaty of Rome which set up the then EEC.  Anyone who has a EUR ING title will therefore retain it after Brexit and the title will be recognised in the EU. There is no indication on the FEANI website of any plans to not recognise CEng, despite the many papers on the impact of a no-deal Brexit in many sectors (it is worth having a look if you have some spare time).

    Whether CEng is recognised in Europe after Brexit is not a question for FEANI (who award the EUR ING title, not CEng), but rather a question for the Government and the EC who are the ones who award CEng (to the extent that when I was accepted after my interview with the IEE I could only title myself as Chartered Electrical Engineer, not being allowed to use the CEng post-nominal until the Engineering Council met nearly six months later! Fortunately the process has been streamlined.)

    With regard to Alan's comments, I agree that the IET have an interest in whether CEng is recognised within the EU but they have no negotiating rights with the EU (and neither do the Engineering Council). Unless there is something in the news I have missed, there is at present no agreement with the EU so what is there that the IET can advise?

  • To reply to Alan, my point about the EC being the UK member of FEANI is that this means that the IET can only get their information second hand through the EC.  FEANI are not an EU organisation, being founded in 1951, six years before the Treaty of Rome which set up the then EEC.  Anyone who has a EUR ING title will therefore retain it after Brexit and the title will be recognised in the EU. There is no indication on the FEANI website of any plans to not recognise CEng, despite the many papers on the impact of a no-deal Brexit in many sectors (it is worth having a look if you have some spare time).

    Whether CEng is recognised in Europe after Brexit is not a question for FEANI (who award the EUR ING title, not CEng), but rather a question for the Government and the EC who are the ones who award CEng (to the extent that when I was accepted after my interview with the IEE I could only title myself as Chartered Electrical Engineer, not being allowed to use the CEng post-nominal until the Engineering Council met nearly six months later! Fortunately the process has been streamlined.)

    With regard to Alan's comments, I agree that the IET have an interest in whether CEng is recognised within the EU but they have no negotiating rights with the EU (and neither do the Engineering Council). Unless there is something in the news I have missed, there is at present no agreement with the EU so what is there that the IET can advise?

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