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European recognition of Chartered Engineer Status

According to a bulletin issed by the European Commission (January 22 2018- Notice to Stakeholders)

'Authorized representatives or responsible people in the United Kingdom will not, as from the withdrawal date, be recognised as authorised representatives or responsible persons.....' . 

My question is as Chartered Engineers are essentially classed a 'Responsible People' will the withdrawal from EU rules mean that CEng will have to seek registration  as Eur Ing to work in or be recognized for work associated with Europe or Internationally.


    A UK organisation would be very unwise to rely on the fact that someone holds CEng or any other form of UK or international registration as a definitive demonstration of competence. Although in appropriate circumstances this may be useful supporting evidence.  

    If we leave out any political horse trading, protectionism and bureaucratic self-justification that occurs, both within countries and internationally, then jurisdictions committed to similar levels of Health, Safety and environmental protection to the UK, will maintain similar standards.  The politics will just have to play out , albeit perhaps very wastefully, if we have already spent years agreeing common standards.    


    A UK organisation would be very unwise to rely on the fact that someone holds CEng or any other form of UK or international registration as a definitive demonstration of competence. Although in appropriate circumstances this may be useful supporting evidence.  

    If we leave out any political horse trading, protectionism and bureaucratic self-justification that occurs, both within countries and internationally, then jurisdictions committed to similar levels of Health, Safety and environmental protection to the UK, will maintain similar standards.  The politics will just have to play out , albeit perhaps very wastefully, if we have already spent years agreeing common standards.    

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