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European recognition of Chartered Engineer Status

According to a bulletin issed by the European Commission (January 22 2018- Notice to Stakeholders)

'Authorized representatives or responsible people in the United Kingdom will not, as from the withdrawal date, be recognised as authorised representatives or responsible persons.....' . 

My question is as Chartered Engineers are essentially classed a 'Responsible People' will the withdrawal from EU rules mean that CEng will have to seek registration  as Eur Ing to work in or be recognized for work associated with Europe or Internationally.

  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member

    Alan Foxall:


    Eur Ing is a FEANI  registration which is recognized in most of Europe and internationally.  FEANI is a federation of professional that unites national engineering associations from 34 European countries. So at face value the title of Eur Ing is more relevant than CEng in Europe.

    My concern is at that if we leave Europe and  become a third country our professional status will no longer be recognized in the short term. It is bad enough that within the UK the term Engineer is not legally recognized  (unlike architects, barristers etc.,) without losing what the little professional dignity we have left

    There's an interesting 'benefit' of having the EUR ING title, in that you are allowed to put it as part of your official name in a UK passport. This document sets out what titles are permissible, and the relevant sections read:



  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member

    Alan Foxall:


    Eur Ing is a FEANI  registration which is recognized in most of Europe and internationally.  FEANI is a federation of professional that unites national engineering associations from 34 European countries. So at face value the title of Eur Ing is more relevant than CEng in Europe.

    My concern is at that if we leave Europe and  become a third country our professional status will no longer be recognized in the short term. It is bad enough that within the UK the term Engineer is not legally recognized  (unlike architects, barristers etc.,) without losing what the little professional dignity we have left

    There's an interesting 'benefit' of having the EUR ING title, in that you are allowed to put it as part of your official name in a UK passport. This document sets out what titles are permissible, and the relevant sections read:



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