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On this Day... Super Mario Bros. is launched!

On this day (September 13th) in 1985 the iconic Super Mario Brothers by Nintendo Entertainment Systems made their first appearance.

Which got me thinking...

Gaming has come such a long way in recent years but I still remember the first electronic game I played which was Atari's Pong back in the late 1970's. My favourite (and most addicted to cool) was Lemmings for the Commadore Amiga in the early 90's and then when smartphones came into being, I was one of the millions that downloaded the Angry Birds app (playing it endlessly on long flights or train journeys) and the mobile verson of Tetris (which I still play on occasion)

So tell me, what was your first computer game and what's your current or all time favourite? smiley

  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    My dad is a massive gamer, so I've been surrounded by games for as long I've been on this planet. I don't ever remember not having some kind of games console, but the earliest one I remember owning was a NES. I also used to play my neighbour's Commodore 64, although they were around before I was born - I can still remember the agonising decision making process of whether or not to put a different game on because it took so long to load!

    At home I have two SNESs and my wife's old Amiga 1200!

    Best game ever? Tough call! My personal favourites are Super Mario World on SNES, Final Fantasy games, Deus Ex on PC (ahead of its time!), Total War games on PC and Unreal Tournament on PC.

    From a purely engineering perspective, I've got so much love for the Unreal Engine (it changed everything for game development) and the Panasonic 3DO (such a tragedy that it didn't take off because it was ahead of its time and an outstanding piece of equipment).

  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    My dad is a massive gamer, so I've been surrounded by games for as long I've been on this planet. I don't ever remember not having some kind of games console, but the earliest one I remember owning was a NES. I also used to play my neighbour's Commodore 64, although they were around before I was born - I can still remember the agonising decision making process of whether or not to put a different game on because it took so long to load!

    At home I have two SNESs and my wife's old Amiga 1200!

    Best game ever? Tough call! My personal favourites are Super Mario World on SNES, Final Fantasy games, Deus Ex on PC (ahead of its time!), Total War games on PC and Unreal Tournament on PC.

    From a purely engineering perspective, I've got so much love for the Unreal Engine (it changed everything for game development) and the Panasonic 3DO (such a tragedy that it didn't take off because it was ahead of its time and an outstanding piece of equipment).

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