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On this Day... Super Mario Bros. is launched!

On this day (September 13th) in 1985 the iconic Super Mario Brothers by Nintendo Entertainment Systems made their first appearance.

Which got me thinking...

Gaming has come such a long way in recent years but I still remember the first electronic game I played which was Atari's Pong back in the late 1970's. My favourite (and most addicted to cool) was Lemmings for the Commadore Amiga in the early 90's and then when smartphones came into being, I was one of the millions that downloaded the Angry Birds app (playing it endlessly on long flights or train journeys) and the mobile verson of Tetris (which I still play on occasion)

So tell me, what was your first computer game and what's your current or all time favourite? smiley

  • I've never really managed to get into video games in a big way, but I had an Atari 2600 TV game that had the "pong " games, arcadians, millipede, tennis etc. Then I had a Sinclair ZX81 (still in the loft with the 16K RAM pack, beefed-up power supply and thermal printer with 6 fresh rolls of shiny paper!) It came with a cassette tape of ZX Breakout - which is also still in the loft. My daughter has an old Nintendo system with some of the old Mario games that are strangely addictive...
  • I've never really managed to get into video games in a big way, but I had an Atari 2600 TV game that had the "pong " games, arcadians, millipede, tennis etc. Then I had a Sinclair ZX81 (still in the loft with the 16K RAM pack, beefed-up power supply and thermal printer with 6 fresh rolls of shiny paper!) It came with a cassette tape of ZX Breakout - which is also still in the loft. My daughter has an old Nintendo system with some of the old Mario games that are strangely addictive...
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