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I have recently finished rereading George Orwell’s 1984 (actually the compendium of all his novels) and was struck by the similarity to the AGW movement(s). 

The basis of 1984  is that the Elite (Inner Party) want absolute and permanent power. If the life of the masses (Prols) is too easy they are hard to control so they are kept in a state of semi poverty by a continuous war which uses up the free resources.

The importance of the war is supported by the Propaganda Machine (Ministry of Truth) that continuously changes history to match the requirements of the Inner Party and to suppress free thought. Those who have any free thought or who challenge the system are taken away by the Thought Police. The need for and support of the war are driven by daily two minute hate sessions and by longer hate weeks. The organisation is run by the Outer Party who get certain limited privileges but are constantly monitored and brainwashed by their ‘Telescreens’.

Looking at today people are already mostly voluntarily locked to their ‘Telescreens’ (Smartphones, Tablets, TVs, etc.) and get most of their information from the Media, especially social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Very few people ever look at what is behind this information and are ripe for being told that Climate Change, AGW, etc. is our war. Rather than just two minute hate sessions we are bombarded with calls to war, most stuff on the BBC science section, David Attenborough’s Climate Change: the Facts, Hottest Day Evaahh, reported Increases in natural disasters, Corbyn’s Climate Emergency, etc. Extinction Rebellion bought the Hate Week around the world. 

The Elite will keep doing just what they want to, buying beach villas, flying round in private jets, living in mansions whilst trying to create energy poverty for the masses to keep them under control. The dash for renewables has significantly increased energy costs wherever it has been implemented, UK, Germany, Australia, etc. The money all goes those who already have money and can afford to pay up front for solar panels, wind turbines, EVs, etc. and get the various government subsidies. The ‘Prols’ just get higher bills.

How many people just believe the Ministry of Truth? How many actually look and see the number of papers and articles that have to be withdrawn or corrected? Dissent is suppressed as far as possible with cries of ‘Denier’ and personal abuse. Scientists are threatened with loss of funding or sacking (the Peter Ridd case in Australia is a ray of hope).

Does anyone else see it like this? Before I am completely flamed I fully support the reduction in the use of our finite resources, reduction of pollution and reduction of our impact on the planet. I don’t think that targeting CO2 is the correct way to achieve these goals.

Best regards


  • I have not read 1984 though I have seen cinema and video films based on it and associated adaptions on the totalitarian theme. I can fully sympathize with Roger's observations - and yes we do indeed need to check the sources of advice given in the media. e.g. Statins good vs bad, red wine good vs bad, eggs good vs bad etc.

    As a retired professional engineer, I automatically apply what used to be called 'the scientific method' to the examination of any new technology ideas presented as revolutionary, seeking always to understand, and if necessary to challenge the basis of any claims made. It might be called the routine application of a healthy evidence based scepticism.

    From my own observations, we urgently need more politicians and professional advisers with STEM based qualifications, if we are to avoid legislative and taxation based fiascos such as the wholesale promotion and then 20 to 30 years later the total demonisation of Diesel engines. At the moment powerful corporate lobby groups can all too easily 'persuade' the government of the day to introduce life changing legislation - to powerfully direct and control our life choices. The resultant outcomes clearly benefit the short term financial objectives of the commercial and corporate world but may turn out to be significantly less beneficial to the general population than promised. Often the scientific evidence is well developed out the outset of the lobbying but only selectively supportive evidence is used in the lobbyists promotional material. With the ever growing power of social media and of so called 'social influencers' we seem to be living in a 'knee jerk' society. Our children are encouraged to 'know and demand their rights' but all too rarely are the children and/or their similarly 'groomed' parents required to accept any responsibility for their sometimes extremely damaging and anti-social behaviour, actions and opinions. I could go on but trust that IET Members will continue to develop Roger's excellent presentation on this theme.
  • I have not read 1984 though I have seen cinema and video films based on it and associated adaptions on the totalitarian theme. I can fully sympathize with Roger's observations - and yes we do indeed need to check the sources of advice given in the media. e.g. Statins good vs bad, red wine good vs bad, eggs good vs bad etc.

    As a retired professional engineer, I automatically apply what used to be called 'the scientific method' to the examination of any new technology ideas presented as revolutionary, seeking always to understand, and if necessary to challenge the basis of any claims made. It might be called the routine application of a healthy evidence based scepticism.

    From my own observations, we urgently need more politicians and professional advisers with STEM based qualifications, if we are to avoid legislative and taxation based fiascos such as the wholesale promotion and then 20 to 30 years later the total demonisation of Diesel engines. At the moment powerful corporate lobby groups can all too easily 'persuade' the government of the day to introduce life changing legislation - to powerfully direct and control our life choices. The resultant outcomes clearly benefit the short term financial objectives of the commercial and corporate world but may turn out to be significantly less beneficial to the general population than promised. Often the scientific evidence is well developed out the outset of the lobbying but only selectively supportive evidence is used in the lobbyists promotional material. With the ever growing power of social media and of so called 'social influencers' we seem to be living in a 'knee jerk' society. Our children are encouraged to 'know and demand their rights' but all too rarely are the children and/or their similarly 'groomed' parents required to accept any responsibility for their sometimes extremely damaging and anti-social behaviour, actions and opinions. I could go on but trust that IET Members will continue to develop Roger's excellent presentation on this theme.
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