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And the first music CD you bought was by...?

On this day in 1982 Sony launched the first CD player for the consumer market. I think many of us remember a time before the CD player and some of us may even still have our vinyl collection stashed away in the attic (although I understand that Vinyl has been making a bit of a comeback recently so I'm hopeful of being able to play mine again sometime soon... smiley). 

I bought my very first CD player in 1986 after I'd left school and started work and saved enough money to buy my very own. It wasn't a Sony though. Instead I bought a Pioneer music stack system that had a tape deck, FM radio and a 6 CD multi-changer!  The ultimate in technology at the time... laugh 

So it got me thinking... Do you remember your very first CD player and what make was it? And what was the first music CD you bought too! 

My first music CD was Kick by INXS blush so I thought you may enjoy one of the tracks:

  • Mine was the early Sony Discman D-50 ( ), a portable CD player with a holder containing batteries for carrying and a separate docking station to connect to the hi-fi. I bought it in 1985 at which time I think it was the only portable CD player available. The first music CD was, I think, Dire Straits Brothers in Arms closely followed by Mozart Violin Sonatas played by Daniel Barenboim and Itzhak Perlman.

    I also remember buying my first 'gramophone', or stacked hi-fi system as it actually was , about half a dozen years earlier, which I still have, though the radio doesn't work. The little (by the standards of 1985) CD player only lasted about seven or eight years even though it cost about as much as the entire hi-fi system had.

  • Mine was the early Sony Discman D-50 ( ), a portable CD player with a holder containing batteries for carrying and a separate docking station to connect to the hi-fi. I bought it in 1985 at which time I think it was the only portable CD player available. The first music CD was, I think, Dire Straits Brothers in Arms closely followed by Mozart Violin Sonatas played by Daniel Barenboim and Itzhak Perlman.

    I also remember buying my first 'gramophone', or stacked hi-fi system as it actually was , about half a dozen years earlier, which I still have, though the radio doesn't work. The little (by the standards of 1985) CD player only lasted about seven or eight years even though it cost about as much as the entire hi-fi system had.

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