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IET Mentor

I am considering applying to be an IET Mentor and would be interested in hearing any feedback from those who are, or have been mentors.

Has it been a worthwhile experience?

How good is the training/support available? 

Any advice?


  • Sam Wright:

    ...It may also be worthwhile getting in touch with your local network and see what mentors and/or PRAs in that area say about the service.


    Just spotted just be aware that your LN may not know which Mentors and PRAs are in their area. There doesn't seem to be any system for notifying LN volunteers of this? (I'm writing as a Mentor , PRA, and member of an LN committee.)




  • Sam Wright:

    ...It may also be worthwhile getting in touch with your local network and see what mentors and/or PRAs in that area say about the service.


    Just spotted just be aware that your LN may not know which Mentors and PRAs are in their area. There doesn't seem to be any system for notifying LN volunteers of this? (I'm writing as a Mentor , PRA, and member of an LN committee.)



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