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Light bulb working for 117 years

Just to brighten up a winter's Monday morning (for those of us in the Northern hemisphere), another thread on these forums has  just reminded me of this light bulb which has been lit for 117 years...there's even a live webcam so that you can check it's still alight smiley

I do like reliable technology...


  • Some years ago I was sent to a property in the heart of rural Cumbria, to disconnect the incoming mains for a private electrician who'd been called in to check the wiring. The place had been wired decades ago by the customer's father, and apart from a couple of new spurs here and there had never been touched since. The customer pointed proudly at a bulb hanging from what resembled a bit of frayed string hanging from the kitchen ceiling, and told me his father had purchased that bulb during the war and it was "still going strong". The bulb was indeed still working - just - but "going strong" was stretching things somewhat - it contained a big loop of filament, glowing a dull orange like a toaster element. Definitely a museum piece!

  • Some years ago I was sent to a property in the heart of rural Cumbria, to disconnect the incoming mains for a private electrician who'd been called in to check the wiring. The place had been wired decades ago by the customer's father, and apart from a couple of new spurs here and there had never been touched since. The customer pointed proudly at a bulb hanging from what resembled a bit of frayed string hanging from the kitchen ceiling, and told me his father had purchased that bulb during the war and it was "still going strong". The bulb was indeed still working - just - but "going strong" was stretching things somewhat - it contained a big loop of filament, glowing a dull orange like a toaster element. Definitely a museum piece!

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