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Negative effects of business expansion in manufacturing

Hi all, 

I recently attended an IET lecture on Lean Manufacturing and I am writing a brief report on it to share among my team. One of the things I'd like to address when supplying a justification for a lean approach is the negative effects of business expansion within a manufacturing and production context. I understand what some of the most common issues are: compromising product quality with an increasing output, loss of control i.e. more layers of delegation and management, increased capital requirements (more staff, facilities, equipment etc.). What other effects arise as a result of business growth? Thanks

- Ghibson
  • Ghibson,

    Business expansion, along with any change, will require planning including attention to change management (CM). CM should be a combination of planned and emergent change. The emergent change will involve organisational learning and adaption for processes that develop as the business expansion matures. In my view, lean will still be very relevant, but remember it involves the whole supply chain who can expand together.

  • Ghibson,

    Business expansion, along with any change, will require planning including attention to change management (CM). CM should be a combination of planned and emergent change. The emergent change will involve organisational learning and adaption for processes that develop as the business expansion matures. In my view, lean will still be very relevant, but remember it involves the whole supply chain who can expand together.

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