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Negative effects of business expansion in manufacturing

Hi all, 

I recently attended an IET lecture on Lean Manufacturing and I am writing a brief report on it to share among my team. One of the things I'd like to address when supplying a justification for a lean approach is the negative effects of business expansion within a manufacturing and production context. I understand what some of the most common issues are: compromising product quality with an increasing output, loss of control i.e. more layers of delegation and management, increased capital requirements (more staff, facilities, equipment etc.). What other effects arise as a result of business growth? Thanks

- Ghibson
  • When business expand they often forget to engage with their most valuable assets - Employees. They can support the rapid expansion of their business (employer) if they feel part of the future and are communicated with on how any changes might affect them. No project or expansion can truly be successful without employee engagement.

    John Kotter wrote about leading change some years ago. Leading Change (2006) was the book I read many times. As with many lean initiatives and approaches rebranding takes place, however the message remains the same if you get to the detail and use it as it was intended.
  • When business expand they often forget to engage with their most valuable assets - Employees. They can support the rapid expansion of their business (employer) if they feel part of the future and are communicated with on how any changes might affect them. No project or expansion can truly be successful without employee engagement.

    John Kotter wrote about leading change some years ago. Leading Change (2006) was the book I read many times. As with many lean initiatives and approaches rebranding takes place, however the message remains the same if you get to the detail and use it as it was intended.
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