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New Brand

Might as well be first in with the inevitable discussion!

Given that someone is always likely to state it; can I state (with tongue in check) that obviously the IEE Lion logo was much better cheekydevil

Although, purple (and various tones thereof) is one of my favoured colours.
  • Thank you for all your comments on our new look and feel. We’ve updated it to better reflect who we are following feedback from our members suggesting change was needed to make the IET more appealing. They also  wanted us to better reflect the exciting and inspirational world of engineering and technology.


    Our new look and feel - from our colour scheme, tone of voice, imagery and logo etc -  will ensure we remain modern, relevant and inclusive, helping us to communicate our impact on engineering a better world. While we appreciate it would be difficult to create a re-engineered brand that appealed to everyone, we are confident our new look will work better for us (such as on digital platforms). Our new visual identity and tone of voice have been developed over the past two years, with input from our members, customers and volunteers across the globe.


  • Thank you for all your comments on our new look and feel. We’ve updated it to better reflect who we are following feedback from our members suggesting change was needed to make the IET more appealing. They also  wanted us to better reflect the exciting and inspirational world of engineering and technology.


    Our new look and feel - from our colour scheme, tone of voice, imagery and logo etc -  will ensure we remain modern, relevant and inclusive, helping us to communicate our impact on engineering a better world. While we appreciate it would be difficult to create a re-engineered brand that appealed to everyone, we are confident our new look will work better for us (such as on digital platforms). Our new visual identity and tone of voice have been developed over the past two years, with input from our members, customers and volunteers across the globe.


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