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Youngest Chartered Engineers

Having received the latest copy of Member News, I noted that there was an article about the new youngest CEng.  Now, obviously it isn’t a race to get CEng and it doesn’t really matter at what age you achieve it.

But it did tweak my interest to wonder what the ages (not names, let’s keep some privacy) of the, say, 16 youngest people to achieve CEng was.  Assuming the IET kept that type of information.  I don’t suppose that this information is available?

I’d imagine it would be a challenge to get the youngest age that much more under 26.  If a 3 year BEng can be compressed to 2 years, then possibly a MEng can be compressed down to 3.  Assuming a compressed degree could achieve accreditation then that might lower it another year.  However, the competences take as long as they take and it’s about being in the right place and grabbing the right opportunities.
  • Roy,

    On the other hand I liked your golf and driving test analogies and thought them very suitable. I think that as a volunteer PRA I understand the registration process well and so can see the parallels but others may struggle to understand.
  • Roy,

    On the other hand I liked your golf and driving test analogies and thought them very suitable. I think that as a volunteer PRA I understand the registration process well and so can see the parallels but others may struggle to understand.
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