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On this Day in 1981: Launch of the Sinclair ZX81

Okay, own up.... Who had a Sinclair ZX81 and what was the first thing you programmed on it...? ? Keyboard
  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    First computer I ever programmed.

    Anyone remember the books you could get of "games for your ZX81" - they were basically source code listings you had to copy (and debug if you'd mistyped).  I never had the 16k RAM pack so would try and fit games (always the better ones) that required the 16k RAM pack into my modest 1K RAM.  It was usually just about possible if you decided what to leave out, most games only required an extra 0.5k or so as if they were too long nobody would ever have the patience to type them in (especially with that finger bruising keyboard).  I learned a lot about programming from that.

    I still have a ZX81 and a BBC Micro Model B (not my original ones, got them on eBay), they are proudly displayed on my office wall.
  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    First computer I ever programmed.

    Anyone remember the books you could get of "games for your ZX81" - they were basically source code listings you had to copy (and debug if you'd mistyped).  I never had the 16k RAM pack so would try and fit games (always the better ones) that required the 16k RAM pack into my modest 1K RAM.  It was usually just about possible if you decided what to leave out, most games only required an extra 0.5k or so as if they were too long nobody would ever have the patience to type them in (especially with that finger bruising keyboard).  I learned a lot about programming from that.

    I still have a ZX81 and a BBC Micro Model B (not my original ones, got them on eBay), they are proudly displayed on my office wall.
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