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London Electric Vehicle Chargers Proposal.

How many?

  • That would apply if you were also charged £1,000,000 for the privilege Wally, and the streets were knee deep in rubbish! Underlying this is the fact that the "Climate Change" movement is fairly scientifically unsound, and not accepted at all in China or Russia and hardly in India, so we cannot make any difference anyway. Try reading "Watts up with that" where you will see some relevant scientific material being discussed.
  • That would apply if you were also charged £1,000,000 for the privilege Wally, and the streets were knee deep in rubbish! Underlying this is the fact that the "Climate Change" movement is fairly scientifically unsound, and not accepted at all in China or Russia and hardly in India, so we cannot make any difference anyway. Try reading "Watts up with that" where you will see some relevant scientific material being discussed.
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