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London Electric Vehicle Chargers Proposal.

How many?

  • The term "broad scientific consensus" is meaningless nonsense Wally, there is a broad scientific consensus that electrons travel at the speed of light in conductors, but this is clearly wrong and there is no proof of it at all!

    That is a useful bit of data Roger, and as you say China has a lot of Hydro, but very few more sites for big dams. It is also opening one new coal station a week, which many consider to be rather less than green.
  • The term "broad scientific consensus" is meaningless nonsense Wally, there is a broad scientific consensus that electrons travel at the speed of light in conductors, but this is clearly wrong and there is no proof of it at all!

    That is a useful bit of data Roger, and as you say China has a lot of Hydro, but very few more sites for big dams. It is also opening one new coal station a week, which many consider to be rather less than green.
No Data