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The Weekend Quiz. 06-July 2019.

What do these clues/events/people have in common?

1. It's not for adults it's for the Children.

2. Ultimate tram ride.

3. W.C's last appearance.

4. It's not today's world.

5. 7/7.



  • ebee:

    Well yes I have not got a clue either Zoom.

    I am wondering if WC refers to water closet or is it the initials of a person (or even an object/trademark etc).

    Hmm I need to think about this one.

    Kelly - Scooby Doo.

     I recently transited thru U A E and was suprised to be informed that in Dubai they do not watch that programme , but Abu Dhabi do!

    Boom Boom as Bazil Brush would say.

    I`ll get me coat

    I thought it was The Flintstones


  • ebee:

    Well yes I have not got a clue either Zoom.

    I am wondering if WC refers to water closet or is it the initials of a person (or even an object/trademark etc).

    Hmm I need to think about this one.

    Kelly - Scooby Doo.

     I recently transited thru U A E and was suprised to be informed that in Dubai they do not watch that programme , but Abu Dhabi do!

    Boom Boom as Bazil Brush would say.

    I`ll get me coat

    I thought it was The Flintstones

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