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The Weekend Quiz. 06-July 2019.

What do these clues/events/people have in common?

1. It's not for adults it's for the Children.

2. Ultimate tram ride.

3. W.C's last appearance.

4. It's not today's world.

5. 7/7.


  • Hi Alasdair,

    Yes it was! Killed off to divert attention from the launch of ITV (for those who have no idea what we're talking about, that's not nearly as sinister as it sounds). On that occasion the BBC won in the publicity stakes, unlike (through unfortunate timing) on 23/11/63.

    I didn't know about Stephen Hawking's party, that's rather fun.



  • Hi Alasdair,

    Yes it was! Killed off to divert attention from the launch of ITV (for those who have no idea what we're talking about, that's not nearly as sinister as it sounds). On that occasion the BBC won in the publicity stakes, unlike (through unfortunate timing) on 23/11/63.

    I didn't know about Stephen Hawking's party, that's rather fun.



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