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At present only large companies who can write-off car expanses are using hybrid luxury cars to advertise themselves as environmentally friendly wealthy companies.

What we want is a small smart light weigh car with under 1000cc engine that can do 200 miles on open road and then switch to a small low power battery/motor that can do just around 10 miles inside the city boundaries. 

NOTE.  One standard 12 volt lead/acid battery 100 amp-hour contains 1kWhr of energy.  Small petrol engine is typically 35kW; so 3 batteries will give 3 kWhr which is just sufficient.  Or is it???
  • 10 miles range is indeed  a few kWhrs perhaps 3 to 5 KVAhr  for a modern EV , though they are without the weight of the petrol engine, - but a 100Ah lead acid battery is rather larger than a typical car battery 30-50Ah is more like the range for a family vehicle, petrol engines perhaps at the smaller end, diesel at the larger. Even with this proviso so half a dozen batteries, such a system, is not going to hack it if used at the 1hr rate (10 miles an hour.. ), as the capacity is normally derived from a 20hr rate test, attempts to discharge faster are thwarted by greatly reduced capacity,and problems of heat dissipation damaging the plates and overheating the acid. I feel this is re-inventing the milk float. the real solution is more battery, highre voltages and more range

  • 10 miles range is indeed  a few kWhrs perhaps 3 to 5 KVAhr  for a modern EV , though they are without the weight of the petrol engine, - but a 100Ah lead acid battery is rather larger than a typical car battery 30-50Ah is more like the range for a family vehicle, petrol engines perhaps at the smaller end, diesel at the larger. Even with this proviso so half a dozen batteries, such a system, is not going to hack it if used at the 1hr rate (10 miles an hour.. ), as the capacity is normally derived from a 20hr rate test, attempts to discharge faster are thwarted by greatly reduced capacity,and problems of heat dissipation damaging the plates and overheating the acid. I feel this is re-inventing the milk float. the real solution is more battery, highre voltages and more range

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