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At present only large companies who can write-off car expanses are using hybrid luxury cars to advertise themselves as environmentally friendly wealthy companies.

What we want is a small smart light weigh car with under 1000cc engine that can do 200 miles on open road and then switch to a small low power battery/motor that can do just around 10 miles inside the city boundaries. 

NOTE.  One standard 12 volt lead/acid battery 100 amp-hour contains 1kWhr of energy.  Small petrol engine is typically 35kW; so 3 batteries will give 3 kWhr which is just sufficient.  Or is it???
  • Maurice, Thank you for responding and showing your concern with climate change.  However, the hydrogen gas is normally produced by electrolysis which requires electric grid power.  As we do not have enough wind, hydro, tidal and solar energy to even power the present grid then how do we/you produce the hydrogen gas economically?   A better solution is to forget about blaming transportation for acceptable motorway emissions and concentrate on carbon capture at our power plants

    Our planet EARTH needs to balance the CO2 emissions so if there are too many people, who eat animals that are breathing out more CO2 than the trees/vegetation can absorb then the planet will naturally increase the temperature of the polar tundras to release fertile land until the balance is restored.  If there is too much vegetation and not enough animals then the planet will naturally freeze the tundra and we will have an ice age.but the balance of CO2 to oxygen must always be naturally maintained.
  • Maurice, Thank you for responding and showing your concern with climate change.  However, the hydrogen gas is normally produced by electrolysis which requires electric grid power.  As we do not have enough wind, hydro, tidal and solar energy to even power the present grid then how do we/you produce the hydrogen gas economically?   A better solution is to forget about blaming transportation for acceptable motorway emissions and concentrate on carbon capture at our power plants

    Our planet EARTH needs to balance the CO2 emissions so if there are too many people, who eat animals that are breathing out more CO2 than the trees/vegetation can absorb then the planet will naturally increase the temperature of the polar tundras to release fertile land until the balance is restored.  If there is too much vegetation and not enough animals then the planet will naturally freeze the tundra and we will have an ice age.but the balance of CO2 to oxygen must always be naturally maintained.
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