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At present only large companies who can write-off car expanses are using hybrid luxury cars to advertise themselves as environmentally friendly wealthy companies.

What we want is a small smart light weigh car with under 1000cc engine that can do 200 miles on open road and then switch to a small low power battery/motor that can do just around 10 miles inside the city boundaries. 

NOTE.  One standard 12 volt lead/acid battery 100 amp-hour contains 1kWhr of energy.  Small petrol engine is typically 35kW; so 3 batteries will give 3 kWhr which is just sufficient.  Or is it???
  • Hello, 

    Some people talk about the negative side of technology and blame it for the destruction of the environment and its pollution. But technology and technology are the fruits of thought and intelligence. Technology is man's unique way of meeting needs and solving problems to improve his life. It is true that sometimes solving one problem gives rise to another, for example: a solution for moving from one place to another - transport vehicles (by air, sea and land) created a new problem - air pollution as a result of fuel combustion. But even to solve the new problem (air pollution), technology can be used, that is, to use the wisdom given to us to create appropriate solutions.
  • Hello, 

    Some people talk about the negative side of technology and blame it for the destruction of the environment and its pollution. But technology and technology are the fruits of thought and intelligence. Technology is man's unique way of meeting needs and solving problems to improve his life. It is true that sometimes solving one problem gives rise to another, for example: a solution for moving from one place to another - transport vehicles (by air, sea and land) created a new problem - air pollution as a result of fuel combustion. But even to solve the new problem (air pollution), technology can be used, that is, to use the wisdom given to us to create appropriate solutions.
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