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At present only large companies who can write-off car expanses are using hybrid luxury cars to advertise themselves as environmentally friendly wealthy companies.

What we want is a small smart light weigh car with under 1000cc engine that can do 200 miles on open road and then switch to a small low power battery/motor that can do just around 10 miles inside the city boundaries. 

NOTE.  One standard 12 volt lead/acid battery 100 amp-hour contains 1kWhr of energy.  Small petrol engine is typically 35kW; so 3 batteries will give 3 kWhr which is just sufficient.  Or is it???
  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    Absolutely, we can't stop the planet balancing itself via, a human-induced acceleration of, its natural process that has been happening for many billions of years with eras of very hot and very cold climate lasting 100,000s and millions of years. This seems to have worked well with just a few 100,000 - 1,000,000 humans on the planet, who had the artisan and survival skills and low numbers to live by migrating to areas to hunt and grow crops sustainably for themselves. Unfortunately, with a human population projected to be around 10 billion by 2050 and possibly 11 billion by 2100, the planet 'releasing land' for extra vegetation and eating meat in certain areas will increase sea levels that flood and reduce land in coastal and low-lying areas, and increase natural disasters (flooding, heat waves, massive forest fires, droughts, etc) that reduce food growth and freshwater in many areas. This will likely lead to rapid population stress, famine, increased viruses, etc, to significantly reduce the world's population - perhaps this is part of the natural planet balancing process we cannot stop but wish to conveniently ignore and not plan for? In effect, the planet will implement the ultimate 'factory reset' during which the allegedly most intelligent species on this planet (humans), have generated the condition requiring the 'factory reset' and will be shown to be one of the most vulnerable, least resilient and fragile species on the planet. If we learn how vulnerable western communities have been during 'regional natural disasters' in the last decades and extrapolate to a global scale, one scenario could be that billions of humans, many in our 'advanced industrial countries', will no longer have the survival and adaptation skills to survive to enjoy any future benefits of our fossil-fuel burning society.

    Are we now needing to heed the 'Law of the jungle' to learn and adapt, or die?

    Or do we adopt the military OODA loop - Observe, Orientate, Decide, Act to recognise and overcome our self-induced and increasing planet problem?

  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    Absolutely, we can't stop the planet balancing itself via, a human-induced acceleration of, its natural process that has been happening for many billions of years with eras of very hot and very cold climate lasting 100,000s and millions of years. This seems to have worked well with just a few 100,000 - 1,000,000 humans on the planet, who had the artisan and survival skills and low numbers to live by migrating to areas to hunt and grow crops sustainably for themselves. Unfortunately, with a human population projected to be around 10 billion by 2050 and possibly 11 billion by 2100, the planet 'releasing land' for extra vegetation and eating meat in certain areas will increase sea levels that flood and reduce land in coastal and low-lying areas, and increase natural disasters (flooding, heat waves, massive forest fires, droughts, etc) that reduce food growth and freshwater in many areas. This will likely lead to rapid population stress, famine, increased viruses, etc, to significantly reduce the world's population - perhaps this is part of the natural planet balancing process we cannot stop but wish to conveniently ignore and not plan for? In effect, the planet will implement the ultimate 'factory reset' during which the allegedly most intelligent species on this planet (humans), have generated the condition requiring the 'factory reset' and will be shown to be one of the most vulnerable, least resilient and fragile species on the planet. If we learn how vulnerable western communities have been during 'regional natural disasters' in the last decades and extrapolate to a global scale, one scenario could be that billions of humans, many in our 'advanced industrial countries', will no longer have the survival and adaptation skills to survive to enjoy any future benefits of our fossil-fuel burning society.

    Are we now needing to heed the 'Law of the jungle' to learn and adapt, or die?

    Or do we adopt the military OODA loop - Observe, Orientate, Decide, Act to recognise and overcome our self-induced and increasing planet problem?

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