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Alan Turing or Nikola Tesla

Just a thought, how might Alan Turing or Nikola Tesla fared in a Professional Review Interview?

  • Alasdair Anderson:

    Alex Barrett:

    ... I believe my own PRI performance and results reflected this. Sour grapes? A little bit,...

     I was very lucky that my interviewers did their best to put me at ease and succeeded so well that for many years I felt it was the easiest interview I had ever undergone 

    My first PRI went reasonably, a very conversational style with a couple of elderly gentlemen, at the time I knew their names and a little of their background. The second PRI was entirely different. Three present, one of whom I found out later was a trainee, I still don't know which one. They were milling about getting coffee and chatting when I entered. I still have no idea who they were or what their backgrounds were. I'd consider the first PRI well conducted in the main, the second very poorly. I went for CEng and came away with IEng, only thanks to the first PRI. I have discussed this with the Registration team, but my concerns were brushed aside.


  • Alasdair Anderson:

    Alex Barrett:

    ... I believe my own PRI performance and results reflected this. Sour grapes? A little bit,...

     I was very lucky that my interviewers did their best to put me at ease and succeeded so well that for many years I felt it was the easiest interview I had ever undergone 

    My first PRI went reasonably, a very conversational style with a couple of elderly gentlemen, at the time I knew their names and a little of their background. The second PRI was entirely different. Three present, one of whom I found out later was a trainee, I still don't know which one. They were milling about getting coffee and chatting when I entered. I still have no idea who they were or what their backgrounds were. I'd consider the first PRI well conducted in the main, the second very poorly. I went for CEng and came away with IEng, only thanks to the first PRI. I have discussed this with the Registration team, but my concerns were brushed aside.

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