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LED Tubes

I have two 36W 1.2m Fluorescent tubes (with starters) lighting my workshop. After 8 years plus I feel that the light output is droping (It could also be my eyes getting older). I would like to replace them with LED tubes so I went to a local store for a look. They offered normal fluorescent tubes with a claimed light output of 3000ish Lumens and LED tubes with a claimed output of 1500ish Lumens. Are the LED tubes really that much dimmer or is it a measurement thing where the normal tubes are omnidirectional and the LED tubes only shine in one direction?

Can anyone recomend particular brands or systems for replacement tubes or would I be better off replacing the complete fittings? Anything else I should know?

Best regards

  • Nice to hear the end of the story. Peter Brooks's idea of using LED strips is an interesting one, but I think it is more appropriate to rectangular flat fittings, rather than individual fluorescent fittings, as in Roger Bryant's case. However, the more ideas, the merrier!
  • Nice to hear the end of the story. Peter Brooks's idea of using LED strips is an interesting one, but I think it is more appropriate to rectangular flat fittings, rather than individual fluorescent fittings, as in Roger Bryant's case. However, the more ideas, the merrier!
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