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Let the replies begin....When is an electrical engineer not an engineer?

This is an interesting story on the term registered professional engineer and how it is interpreted.
  • Moshe,

    Many thanks for providing the US perspective. I can fully agree with the intent of the law and the advantages of becoming licenced, but the issue here, based on the reporting we have seen, does not appear to be anything to do with safety but merely the fact that the individual titled himself as 'Engineer'. I can understand that "Professional Engineer" is a restricted title but was not aware that "Engineer" was restricted also (at least in Arizona).

  • Moshe,

    Many thanks for providing the US perspective. I can fully agree with the intent of the law and the advantages of becoming licenced, but the issue here, based on the reporting we have seen, does not appear to be anything to do with safety but merely the fact that the individual titled himself as 'Engineer'. I can understand that "Professional Engineer" is a restricted title but was not aware that "Engineer" was restricted also (at least in Arizona).

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