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Let the replies begin....When is an electrical engineer not an engineer?

This is an interesting story on the term registered professional engineer and how it is interpreted.
  • Hi Roy, 

    All absolutely true - I just get very frustrated with the attitude (both outside and, bizarrely to my mind, inside engineering) that engineers aren't supposed to do anything imaginative or creative.

    I get particularly cross when people suggest that engineers involved in safety work shouldn't innovate - safety will only improve (or, indeed, stay the same in a changing world) if they are not just allowed but actually encouraged to innovate!



  • Hi Roy, 

    All absolutely true - I just get very frustrated with the attitude (both outside and, bizarrely to my mind, inside engineering) that engineers aren't supposed to do anything imaginative or creative.

    I get particularly cross when people suggest that engineers involved in safety work shouldn't innovate - safety will only improve (or, indeed, stay the same in a changing world) if they are not just allowed but actually encouraged to innovate!



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