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Magnon magnetic vibrations are at the heart of electric light rather than electrons.

It was thought until recently that electricity was created by the movement of electrons around a circuit. This worked fine for batteries but AC required a way to transfer energy across an isolation transformer where the primary electrons never touch the secondary winding electrons.  We also know that electricity moves at nearly the speed of light, and as electrons are particles they would need a massive amount of energy to achieve this.

So we need to rethink how we can transmit electric light energy using magnons rather than electrons. As domestic electricity is alternating current [AC] it is really just a low frequency electromagnetic energy but subject to the same laws and restrictions as radio waves and sunlight rays.   

  To try and reconcile these requirements it is much easier to consider that magnons are at the inside heart of all types of electromagnetic vibrational energy which when introduced into matter molecules vibrates the inner nuclear magnetic moment and thus increase its temperature/pressure characteristics. To this end I wrote a blog on magnoflux


  • Good morning Anthony,

    The gravitational force on a body with a constant mass m is equal to mg, where g is the acceleration of gravity (equal to 9.8 meters per second squared). The direction of the force towards the center of the earth, that is, down. Its speed will be slowed, provided that another force acting on it will be an upward component. Let us now consider what happens to the conductor under the influence of magnetic field B (for simplicity, suppose the field is uniform in size and direction).

    Unlike the electric force acting on a charged body in any situation, the magnetic field does not exert force on stationary charges but only on moving charges. The magnetic field is defined by the force it exerts on a particle with a velocity v and a charge q, called the Lorentz




    The cross mark in the equation indicates a vector multiplication, which means that the direction of the force is perpendicular to both the velocity of the body and the magnetic field (see picture).


    Finding the direction of Lorentz force using the right hand rule. Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

    The magnitude of the force (the absolute value of the force in the above equation) is given by:



    Where θ is the angle between the charged body velocity and the magnetic field. From this it can be seen that no magnetic force acts on a charged body moving parallel to the magnetic field since in this case θ = 0. The force is maximal when θ = 90 ° (then sinθ = 1), that is when the particle moves vertically to the magnetic field.

    Let's go back to the original question. If the conductor falls in a straight line (for example, if released from rest), then the magnetic force, which is perpendicular to velocity according to Lorenz's law, will also be perpendicular to gravity. This means there will be no component of the magnetic force which will reduce gravity. Conversely, if the applicator is thrown horizontally, its trajectory will be parabolic (rather than linear), as in the following illustration:


    The orbit of a particle thrown at an angle to the ground. The blue arrows indicate the velocity vector at different points along the trajectory.

    When at each point and direction the speed tangent to the orbit. In this case it is possible to choose the direction of the magnetic field so that the magnetic force will be a component in the positive direction of Y in the drawing, and the motion of the conductor will slow down.

    Dear Anthony, I hope the answer meets your request


  • Good morning Anthony,

    The gravitational force on a body with a constant mass m is equal to mg, where g is the acceleration of gravity (equal to 9.8 meters per second squared). The direction of the force towards the center of the earth, that is, down. Its speed will be slowed, provided that another force acting on it will be an upward component. Let us now consider what happens to the conductor under the influence of magnetic field B (for simplicity, suppose the field is uniform in size and direction).

    Unlike the electric force acting on a charged body in any situation, the magnetic field does not exert force on stationary charges but only on moving charges. The magnetic field is defined by the force it exerts on a particle with a velocity v and a charge q, called the Lorentz




    The cross mark in the equation indicates a vector multiplication, which means that the direction of the force is perpendicular to both the velocity of the body and the magnetic field (see picture).


    Finding the direction of Lorentz force using the right hand rule. Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

    The magnitude of the force (the absolute value of the force in the above equation) is given by:



    Where θ is the angle between the charged body velocity and the magnetic field. From this it can be seen that no magnetic force acts on a charged body moving parallel to the magnetic field since in this case θ = 0. The force is maximal when θ = 90 ° (then sinθ = 1), that is when the particle moves vertically to the magnetic field.

    Let's go back to the original question. If the conductor falls in a straight line (for example, if released from rest), then the magnetic force, which is perpendicular to velocity according to Lorenz's law, will also be perpendicular to gravity. This means there will be no component of the magnetic force which will reduce gravity. Conversely, if the applicator is thrown horizontally, its trajectory will be parabolic (rather than linear), as in the following illustration:


    The orbit of a particle thrown at an angle to the ground. The blue arrows indicate the velocity vector at different points along the trajectory.

    When at each point and direction the speed tangent to the orbit. In this case it is possible to choose the direction of the magnetic field so that the magnetic force will be a component in the positive direction of Y in the drawing, and the motion of the conductor will slow down.

    Dear Anthony, I hope the answer meets your request


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